Summa,’ Summa,’ Summa’ time: Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy – Review

4 Jul

Happy 4th of July! In lieu of BBQs and beer I thought I would feature a beer perfect for summer…and day drinking.

I recently asked some people about what their favorite summer beer was and one person mentioned Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy. I had never tried it before, and with the temperature rising I thought it was the perfect opportunity to give this summer fav a try.

Summer Shandy comes in a 12 ounce can and is 4.2% ABV.  According to the label it’s a “an adventurous taste, perfect for summertime fun.” It also says it has honey and natural lemonade flavor. Leinenkugel-  as a brewery – has been around for 5 generations, so prior to trying I figured they must have all their kinks figured out.

The Shandy has a nice lemon scent, complimented with a light,  lemony flavor. According to my fiancé, it “tastes like watered down lemonade.”
Which, in my opinion, is fine because I’m not a fan of the tart sourness of regular lemonade. It is almost similar to a less carbonated, more flavorful seltzer water.

On a hot summer day, it really is a good drink to sit back and relax with. Is it an “adventurous taste” — eh, I’d say not. There is no wow-factor when it comes to taste. But, is it good for summertime fun? Yeah, I’d say it is. Most people don’t want to drink a heavy beer when they are hanging out in the summer heat, and this is a good alternative as it’s nice and light with a refreshing flavor.

Have you ever tried Summer Shandy? What’s your favorite summer beer?

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